Dog Training Workshops
As a leading education provider, giving support to dog owners like you, and dog training enthusiasts, we offer workshops on a regular basis.
Our dog training workshops are fun, interactive and informative, giving you the very best tools and knowledge to train your dog in a specific area.
Workshops include:
Love your loose lead
Really Rapid Recall (the 3 Rs)
Multiple dog households
Young handlers and their dog
Find your dog's off switch
Confidence building at both ends of the lead
Workshops are usually 2 hours long. All involve you bringing your dog, except the reactivity workshop.
Our dog training workshop format is usually broken down into;
- Theory
- Practical training techniques
- Q&A session
We split our spaces into handlers and observers so you can still attend even without your dog and still learn all the skills you need to train your own dog, at home.
Ready to start your dog training journey?
With our help, you and your dog can develop a strong bond and enjoy a lifetime of happy memories together and we look forward to working with you.